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Publications (Google Scholar / ResearchGate)

Gold, D.F., Reed, P.M., Gorelick, D.E., and Characklis, G.W. (2023). “Advancing Regional Water Supply Management and Infrastructure Investment Pathways that are Equitable, Robust, Adaptive, and Cooperatively Stable”. Water Resources Research.

Gorelick, D.E., Gold, D.F., Asefa, T., Svrdlin, S., Wang, H., Wanakule, N., Reed, P.M, & Characklis, G.W. (2023). “Water Supply Infrastructure Investments Require Adaptive Financial Assessment: Evaluation of Coupled Financial and Water Supply Dynamics”. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.

Gorelick, D. E., Gold, D.F., Reed, P.M., & Characklis, G. W. (2023). “Designing Water Utility Cooperative Agreements: Lessons Learned in North Carolina”. Journal‐American Water Works Association. Invited article.

Gorelick, D. E., Gold, D. F., Reed, P. M., & Characklis, G. W. (2022). Impact of inter-utility agreements on cooperative regional water infrastructure investment and management pathways. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR030700.

Gold, D. F., Reed, P. M., Gorelick, D. E., & Characklis, G. W. (2022). Power and pathways: Exploring robustness, cooperative stability, and power relationships in regional infrastructure investment and water supply management portfolio pathways. Earth’s Future, 10, e2021EF002472.

Gorelick, D. E., Lin, L., Zeff, H. B., Kim, Y., Vose, J. M., Coulston, J. W., … & Characklis, G. W. (2020). Accounting for Adaptive Water Supply Management When Quantifying Climate and Land Cover Change Vulnerability. Water Resources Research, 56(1), e2019WR025614. doi:10.1029/2019WR025614.

Gorelick, D. E., Zeff, H. B., Hughes, J., Eskaf, S., & Characklis, G. W. (2019). “Exploring Treatment and Capacity‐Sharing Agreements Between Water Utilities”. Journal‐American Water Works Association, 111(9), 26-40. doi:10.1002/awwa.1359

Gorelick, D.E., Baskaran, L.M, and Jager, H.I. (2019). “Visualizing feedstock siting in biomass production: Tradeoffs between economic and water quality objectives”. Land Use Policy. Volume 88, 104201. ISSN 0264-8377. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104201.

Kern, J.D., Gorelick, D.E., Characklis, G.W., and Macklin, C.M. (2019). “Multi-objective optimal siting of algal biofuel production with municipal wastewater treatment in watersheds with nutrient trading markets”. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 145(2). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001018.

Gorelick, D.E., Zeff, H.B., Characklis, G.W., and Reed, P.M. (2018). “Integrating raw water transfers into an eastern U.S. management context”. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 144(9). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000966.


Gorelick, D.E., Gold, D.F., Asefa, T., Wang, H., Wanakule, N., Svrdlin, S., Reed, P.M., and Characklis, G.W. (2021). “Modeling water utility adaptive financial response to supply infrastructure development.” AWRA Conference. November 2021.

Gorelick, D.E., Gold, D.F., … and Characklis, G.W. (2021). “Coupled Adaptive Water Supply-Financial Modeling of Water Utility Infrastructure Planning Under Uncertainty” AGU Fall Meeting. Oral Presentation.

Gorelick, D.E., Zeff, H.B., Hamilton, A.L., Petagna, C.M., Hirsch, Z., and Characklis, G.W. (2021). “Supply and Financial Risk for US Water Systems” UNC Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering Singer Symposium, November 5.

Gorelick, D.E. and Gold, D.F. (2021). “Water supply infrastructure planning decision support.” Tampa Bay Water Authority Board of Directors Meeting, June 19.

Gorelick, D.E. (2020). “Water the Dam Risks (of Infrastructure Planning for Water Utilities)?” ENVR 400 Seminar Series, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, UNC Chapel Hill

Gorelick, D. E., Gold, D., Reed, P. M., & Characklis, G. W. (2020). Contrasting risks of high and low growth: inter-utility regional water supply planning under future demand uncertainty. In AGU Fall Meeting 2020. AGU.

Gorelick, D. E., Gold, D., Reed, P. M., & Characklis, G. W. (2019). Regional capacity-sharing agreements as tools for managing both supply and financial risk for water utilities. AGU Fall Meeting. Poster. San Francisco, CA.

Characklis, G.W. and Gorelick, D.E. (2019). “Designing regional water supply strategies”. Water and Wastewater Utility Partnerships and Regionalization Workshop. Oral Presentation. Chapel Hill, NC.

Characklis, G.W., … Gorelick, D.E., … and Cuppari, R. (2019). “Managing Financial Risk Under Environmental Uncertainty”. UNC Climate Change & Resilience Symposium. Poster presentation. Chapel Hill, NC.

Gorelick, D.E., Zeff, H.B., Hughes, J., Eskaf, S., and Characklis, G.W. (2019). “Benefits and tradeoffs of cooperation: exploring the relative merits of treatment and capacity sharing agreements between water utilities”. NC WRRI Conference. Oral Presentation. Raleigh, NC.

Gorelick, D. E., Lin, L., Zeff, H. B., Kim, Y., Band, L. E., & Characklis, G. W. (2018). Relative impacts of hydrologic changes due to climate and landuse/landcover on water supply management systems. AGU Fall Meeting. Oral Presentation. Washington, DC.

Gorelick, D.E., Eskaf, S., Hughes, J., and Characklis, G.W. (2018). “Sharing is (not) caring: financial risk of inter-utility capacity sharing agreements”. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress. Poster presentation. Minneapolis, MN.

Gorelick, D.E., Zeff, H.B., Characklis, G.W., and Reed, P.M. (2018). “Integrating raw water transfers into an eastern U.S. management context”. UNC Annual Graduate Student Recognition Celebration. Invited poster presentation. Chapel Hill, NC.

Characklis, G.W., Reed, P.M., Yates A.J., Band L.E., Hughes, J., … Gorelick, D.E., … et al. (2018). Designing Robust and Adaptive Water Management Strategies in Regions Transitioning from Abundance to Scarcity. Project Directors Annual Meeting for NSF/NIFA Water Sustainability and Climate (WSC) Programs. Poster. Washington, D.C.

Gorelick, D.E., Zeff, H.B., Reed, P.M., and Characklis, G.W. (2017). “Integrating raw water transfers into an eastern U.S. management context: a multi-objective analysis”. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress. Oral presentation. Sacramento, CA.

Gorelick, D.E., Jager, H.I. (2016). “Optimal land selection for bioenergy feedstock introduction to the Arkansas White-Red River Basin”. US-IALE. Poster. Asheville, NC.